As an artist and designer for over 30 years and having designed and made so may creations Christopher has never witnessed such a intense emotional and sheer wonder and beguilement in people when they encounter the angel sculpture for the first time.
This reaction is from both young and old and across all religions and ethnic cultural backgrounds .
Personally As an artist this response is the most satisfying and rewarding thing you could ever dare wish for to be responsible for such a pure emotional and genuine response from something that you have personally created ,and of course far more than You could ever dared dream off .
Christopher never grows tired of seeing the wonder and lingering captivation of the people when they encounter the angel sculpture for the first time.
It now appears clear that indeed a lot of people seem to have a natural deep inherent belief in angels and guardian Angels and brings a lot of love joy hope and comfort to so many people.
This reaction was the hope that the angel would bring when he embarked on the creation of the angel to hopefully bring a symbol of love hope and positivity into an ever increasing world of negativity and detachment .
Christopher without doubt believes this is his finest work of a life time and cannot be surpassed and will be endeavouring to keep creating the angels as long as time will allow.
The angel sculpture has taken over five years of incredibly complicated and intense work especially the shape of the wings that eventually inspired by the outstretched wings of a white dove.
The angel is constructed out of the very best pure 318 marine grade stainless steel that is used on all sea going vessels and super yachts this guarantees that the angel will never rust or deteriorate in any way ensuring it can be installed permanently outdoors and remain beautiful for all time plus the very robust construction the angel sculpture can withstand the strongest wind and weather without damage or deterioration.
The sizes of the angel sculpture are as follows 100 cm / 160 cm / ( 220 cm approximately life size ) / 280 cm / 360 cm / 420 cm and of course higher up to 8 meters if required on special construction orders that can be anchored and secured into solid foundations or concrete counter ballast method, or ground anchorage please call for advice and procedures that our team can provide if required.
All measurements are From base to top level of wing tips.
All orders can be completed within 6 weeks and sooner on the smaller sizes.
For convenience the angel can be deconstructed with the ability to detach the wings and base to enable easy assembly ect and can be shipped internationally.
Prices 100cm £5,500 / 160cm £8,900 / 240 cm approximately life size angel £35.000 delivery charges outside Uk will be extra call for advice.
All angels are hand polished and hand assembled with great deal of time and care and craftsmanship with Christopher being personally hands on in the construction. All angel are also signed personally by Christopher himself.
For sales enquiries please email [email protected] or call UK 02030042224.
SORT CODE 20-81-00
ACOUNTANT 63408965